Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lament of a Whiny Technophile

Who am I?
I'm a human, I'm INTP, I'm quite possibly on the Aspbergers syndrome. I'm very easily irritated and occasionally depressive. I have the memory of a sieve or a fire hydrant or any other inanimate object you wish to name.
I like films, I like books, I like learning to express ideas with a story. I love metaphors, I love layers, I love morals and I love when I don't know what the moral is and have to work it out in the sort of situation that would make other people cry.
I love those things that are easy or intuitive to understand to me, even if nobody else gets them.
If something is explained to me I may very well love it. I love when I can see the gears, I can work my mind through the engine.

I hate.

It's about memory so my fire hydrant blows a valve.
It's about troubleshooting, as such my ease of irritation causes me simply to stress.
It's about utility, not metaphors or interesting ideas. Screw that.
I love film, I love sketching out a story and telling it in the most interesting way possible. I imagine that I'm not alone. I imagine that their are many other people this semester doing Networked Media Production, that just want to learn about Media Arts and Production. I don't want to make a website. I don't ever really wish to have to use HTML.
I Love learning HTML. I find the ideas interesting, I love how politicians can screw us around with it, but I absolutely hate having to do it myself.
I wish to tell stories. I wish to film. I am open to every perspective on film, I am happy to edit, to fiddle with sound or lighting or just swing a camera around all day. My mind works in swathes. All of these things are interesting to me because they're not exact, there are so many ways to achieve an effect or to get across an idea. So many metaphors to use, so many effects I can work out.
In coding you find out what language to use and that's simply what you do. Look up what to type in, and type it in. In the end you have a webstie, an utility, a beautiful one, but still just an utility.In an utility there is no room for subtlety of meaning; you code and that becomes thus.
No offense to the teachers; they are making the class as interesting as it can be to me. I just DON'T LIKE PROGRAMMING.


  1. You want to play the music, not the instrument: but in order to do so, you need to practice your scales. The HTML stuff we're dealing with now is basic, fundamental - f-stops and focal length - the poetry comes at an entirely different level. You see film as a more expressive medium: but film has been around for more than a century and you're riding on the backs of decades of technical and aesthetic experience. Take yourself back to 1910 and tell me that film's not fiddly, frustrating, technical work that's difficult to express yourself in.

    You'll also be pleased to know that that's as close to the metal as we get in this unit, The remaining lectures are less technical, more aesthetics and theory.

  2. Not "just a utility":
